Hold That Thought | 2022

Hold That Thought is a walk through the work of visual artist Johannes Langkamp. This book is a reflection of an archive with (digital) works of art, experiments, (kinetic) models and their documentation. In it moving images are brought to a standstill, only to be put in motion again by its reader. Walk, run, detour, stroll. Discover this book about motion, in motion.

Hold That Thought won Best Dutch Book Design 2022 (professional and student jury), and was shortlisted as The Best Book Designs From All Over The World 2022.

Hold That Thought was made possible by 129 donations via voordekunst.nl, st. Droom en Daad, stiching Jaap Harten Fonds, Gemeente Rotterdam, and Cultuurfonds Zuid-Holland

Including a text written by Sandra Smets specifically for the book (in NL, DE and EN). Translation by Gabriƫl Juursema (EN) and Sigrid Kullmann (DE).

Published by Unformed Informed (Publishing) 2022, design by Art Collart. 220 x 300 mm, 144 pages, 4/1 Offset print on Munken Pure Rough 240 gr (cover), EOS 2.0 100 gr (interior), binding: stitch and knot with black thread. Edition of 600, ISBN: 978-9-08299-3-257

Language: English, Dutch and German

Order at Unformed Informed (Publishing)